Sleepy Glutes = Flat Bums!

Sleepy Glutes = Flat Bums!

Bums around the world have gone dormant. You see it in men and you see it in women. Instead of firing when called on during lower body exercises, the glutes ignore these people. Eventually, their bums start to get soft and shapeless. Then they go flat. BOO!

sleepy glutes

Soon, these men and women start tripping when they run because their trousers or skirts won’t stay up.

Test Your Glutes Like This

There’s a simple way to tell if your glutes aren’t firing adequately. Simply try standing on one leg with your eyes closed for 60 seconds. Then repeat with the other. If you can’t do it, you’re either drunk…which if your reading this close to when I posted it…IS TOO EARLY PEOPLE, stay away from the booze!! or your glutes are on permanent holiday.

The Test Is Also The Cure

Most of us have a number of fitness things we’re supposed to do every day. We start out with the best intentions, but soon we forget to do our stretches, foam rolling, rotator cuff work, extra pull-ups, or ab work…in my case calf work (got to do this more!!!)

The fix for this fitness absent-mindedness is to incorporate these daily “shoulds” into our daily activities. Stretches and/or ab work can be relegated to adverts when watching the tv during whatever program or sporting event you’re watching. To do extra pull-ups, hang a bar in the doorway of whatever room you enter the most and don’t allow yourself to enter or exit before doing one or more pull-ups. (Ours is on the way to the kitchen…no surprise there then!)

pullups pull up bar

For misfiring or sleeping glutes, simply stand on one leg for 60 seconds and then the other with your eyes closed while brushing your teeth before bedtime. Spend at least two or three total minutes doing this.

You’ll fight glute decay and tooth decay at the same time. RESULT!